Freitag, 15. September 2023


facebook marketing Kafiblitz Notizie? Concert Photography and more ha aggiunto una foto al pool: «Se accosti l’orecchio alla spalletta di un ponte, senti le parole del fiume» – Fabrizio Caramagna Shadows and reflections of the Devil's Bridge. Cividale (UD), Italy. © Michele Marcolin, 2023. K1ii + smc Pentax-FA 31mm f1.8 AL Limited. --------------- The Devil's Bridge is one of the symbols of Cividale del Friuli. Boldly suspended on the Natisone River, it is still somehow wrapped in legend. The two banks were joined, at least from the 1200's, by a wooden passage, which was replaced after various inconclusive attempts by a stone bridge during the the XIV century. It was planned by lacopo Dugaro from Bissone, who began the construction in 1442. The job, slow and plagued by various adversities, was continued five years later under the guide of Erardo (or Everardo) from Villaco, a former member of Dugaro's team (who perhaps died of plague meanwhile or - allegedly - gave up without fulfilling his obligations). Bartolomeo delle Cisterne finished it with a first paving in 1501 and a second in 1558. Its was defended by towers on both sides, which were dismantled around the second half of the past century. Works of restoration also followed through time. In 1843, during the works of reinforcing of the central pillar, two important stones of Roman age were discovered. The fate of the bridge had a tragic epilogue: the 27th of October 1917, during the defeat of Caporetto, it was blown up attempting to slow down the enemy. A useless destruction, as the Imperial Army crossed the river the same evening. The bridge was later reconstructed by the Germans with local skilled workers, following the precise reliefs executed years before by the engineer Ernesto de Paciani of Cividale. Opened again on the 18th of May 1918, the new bridge had short life for the 29th of April 1945 the Germans tried to blow it up again. Fortunately the damage was minimal and it was soon repaired. The rocky walls where the arches rest on were also reinforced. The central pillar rests on a natural rock, protruding in the center of the river. Popular beliefs has the construction of the bridge connected to the supernatural: the devil would have facilitated the construction of the bridge in exchange for the soul of the firs creature who crossed it. But the inhabitants of Cividale mocked the devil, sending through the new passage an animal, a dog or cat (different versions exist, as well as various 'Devil's Bridges' around Italy). The bridge inspired also artists: writers have dedicated to it pages of intense poetry, while skillful painters have reproduced it in their works, fixing shapes and colors, with the transparency of waters. Capsule Svizzera

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